Back after a long hibernation!!

Of late, lots of websites have started asking users to register on their websites even to view content or comment on other’s writeups.

Though understandable, too many signups are an annoyance of course. Especially when they start spamming our inboxes. I happened to discover a couple of neat tricks that could help privacy freaks/lazy people like myself.

  • A well known trick – BugMeNot: This aggregates account details specific to websites from everybody. When you need to signup, just visit the bugmenot site and query the accounts for the website you want to login. If you don’t find any, signup for one at that website and contribute. Paired with the firefox extension, this is a very useful tool.
  • Another intelligent service – Mailinator: The most painful part of signing up is providing our email address, verifying that and get the followup spam, alerts and so on. Mailinator is a cool service that provide throwaway email addresses for you to use. Once you’ve provided the email check up in the mailbox just by giving your email address. No need to login, etc.

Neat innovations :-)

By shashi

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